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Forest Trees

Our stories

We believe that climate action starts with awareness. We also believe that stories have the power to create meaningful impacts. From the smallest things like rising temperatures to climate-driven events like flooding, we value your story. Read about our climate experiences here.

Rain in the Middle of Winter - Proud's story

You can hardly call Winter in Thailand a real winter... the temperatures drop to the high 20's at best. But there was something strange about this particular Winter: the rain. Winter is normally one of the drier times of year, but this year, it's been raining almost every day. I have never seen it rain so much in October and November before - even my weather allergies are acting up!

2023 Summer: The Canadian Fire's Impact on the Climate of the United States - Candice's story

For summer vacations, I usually visit Maryland to see my friend. In the summer of 2023, which was Canada's extreme fire season, I saw a significant change in the environment and the pollution in the sky. Though wildfires are natural disasters, imagine throwing sparks on a wet piece of wood -- the sparks would extinguish, right? Imagine, again, a dry piece of wood. Then, only a single spark is needed to set the wood on fire. This resonated with me how the dry climate causes the increasing number of wildfires, an effect of climate change. The changes it brought to the environment around me motivated me to continue fighting against climate change. 



The Drying Up Springs - Celine's story

My city Jinan is known for its abundant underground water resources, a city that is difficult to build a subway system, as the construction process may bump into underground springs. However, factors including climate change and land use are contributing to the decline in groundwater levels over recent years, several springs even stopped flowing. While the sped-up process of industrialization has left Jinan with haze, the over-exploitation of groundwater also deteriorates the spring water quality. We can no longer drink straight from the spring like we did in childhood.


Baotu Spring in 2004


Baotu Spring in 2024

Morning Smog - June and Hyun's story

We usually wake up at sunrise to get ready for early-morning training in school. We would look out at the city and see the Sun slowly revealing itself in the sky. However, lately it's been difficult to see the sun, and the city. The blurred landscape demotivates us as we wake up and this helped us realise the effects of air pollution. Not only does the thick smog deteriorate our motivation but it also restricts us from doing outdoor training!


Massive Heatwave in India - Tanvee's story

In India, where I live, it's getting really hot. The temperature is hitting 45 degrees Celsius and we're stuck in a big heatwave. It's so hot that playing outside in the afternoon or evening is just not possible. This heat is because of climate change, and it worries me. If it's this hot in April 2024, I can't imagine how bad it'll get in 10 or 20 years—it might even reach 50 degrees! We keep the AC on to stay cool, but it's making the air outside hotter. And it's the poorest people and the animals who suffer the most. I hope we can all understand how serious climate change is and get our leaders to take action, so our future isn't so hot and difficult.

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